BJP government had got a clean-chit from Supreme Court over Rafale issue. Despite that, the opposition kept on asking for JPC probe in the case. The case involves a direct allegation of corruption on PM Modi.

There are allegations that he made Anil Ambani a part of this deal who is close to him. The evidences show that Prime Minister himself made the prices of deal go up by calling for a meeting. This would in turn earn profit to Anil Ambani.

According to the earlier published story of The Carvan, a committee was made to decide the price of this deal which was € 5.2 billion.

However, after the same committee’s recommendation PM Modi made the price of deal go up to around € 7.7 billion. This was done in ‘Cabinet Committee for Security’ meeting. It means that the price was increased by around € 2.5 billion on recommendation.

It is to note that PM Modi did a tour to France in April 2015 when the deal was made. Modi government had already canceled the deal. However, an ‘Indian Negotiate Team’ was formed on the basis of ‘Defense Procurement Procedure 2013’.

In this committee, the Indian Air Force deputy chief employee and Joint Secretary and the acquisition manager (Air), Joint Secretary (Defense Offset Management Wing), Joint Secretary and Additional Financial Advisor, Finance Manager (Air), Consultant (Cost) ) and Assistant Chief Air Staff (Planning) were present as members.

At the same time, the Ordnance Director General (DGA) considered by the Government of France to be an important part of the Defense Ministry was present as the member.

From May 2015 to April 2016, 74 meetings were held between this committee. After these meetings, it was recommended by Indian parties to keep the maximum cost of € 5.2 billion.

After this, a meeting of ‘Cabinet Committee for Security’ was chaired by Prime Minister Modi in which the price was increased by over € 2.5billion to around € 7.7 billion.

According to media reports, the new price of deal will be around Rs 1670 crore and only 36 Rafale jets will be purchased.

What was the intention of PM Modi in increasing the prices? Who all were supposed to benefit from the deal?


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