A 15-year-old girl was set ablaze in Agra by two bike riders. She was returning from school to home when bikers poured petrol on her, and then set her on fire. 

All promises of women security made by Yogi Adityanath have failed. This incident is raising questions on Agra police which is unable to guarantee safety of state.

Girl was admitted to SN Medical College where her condition was told be sensitive. However, reports claim that she will be further treated in Delhi. 

The girl’s father told that unidentified men came on motorbike who poured inflammable liquid on her. After that, they pushed her into a ditch. He has claimed that there were no personal rifts due to which someone would have did this to his daughter. 

When Yogi Adityanath became chief minister of Uttar Pradesh, BJP claimed that women security will be priority of his government. But, such cases raise doubts on those claims. Is this the way thier priority is being maintained? When will girls feel safe in Uttar Pradesh? 


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